Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blog 12

In my last blog, I want to clarify one more time before my BIG paper is due. But I know where I am able to stand with this topic I choose, cloning. I strongly believe that cloning should not even be brought up yet because of all things it doesn’t have as a positive outcome for humans. I think this because of the fact that it’s not possible for humans to reach a level of cloning yet. I understand how someone could say without hope and trying over and over again we wouldn’t have half the things today. But also you need to look at how long it took us to just get where we are. I feel like that cloning is not one of things, I feel like cloning is one of things we need to put on the backburner for now. We need to start out slow and look at other things that need to be fixed before even thinking more into cloning.

I know that dolly as mention in a couple other blogs, was successful but does that truly mean humankind has a chance of reproducing without sperm cells? I really don’t see how anything great can come out of someone being born with a sperm cell, only DNA and egg cell. I know how regular reproduction is done and how there can be problems with it. But with that being said isn’t it also just as much if not as highly a chance of the child not being to be born or even with problems.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Number Eleven

With some things coming into mind, I could see why some people might believe that cloning is one of the best things to do in science. It might be able actually cure something along the line. But I really don’t see anyways of how this is possible. I can see more things going wrong with cloning then regular procedure for how a typical baby is bad. Yes, I know that regular reproduction of humans is dangerous, but I think that messing with what is intended to be could be bad karma. A few things have shown me that not everything is possible in life. So why can’t we just live life to the fullest, and understanding that life is just a book of itself and everything that happens is just a chapter in our book.

I can see why some might be okay with cloning. My reason is because of the evidence that has cloning of the sheep Dolly was successful. I don’t see it being 100% evident to prove that cloning is actually effective and the sheep’s DNA is not remotely close to Human DNA. I also feel that cloning is just another disaster waiting to happening. Anything in my mind that involves no sperm just doesn’t seem right or ethical.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Beginning to Take a Step....

Over the past few weeks, I have been doing my research on cloning and the ethics behind. I feel that those who are for cloning; their ethics are that they feel that they are completely right with everything and the cloning concept. I feel that cloning needs better defined to the American people and show us the positive and negative side effects. Not just the positive cloning that has been able to come out to prove that their thesis was correct. I don’t think any of the cloning successes can be tied into human cloning. Just like how mice are close to human and the layout of DNA and when the cloning of mice was tried and it utterly unsuccessful.

It has proven in my mind that cloning should not be something we do, man can only create so much before it destroys us. What I mean by this is that I feel the man can only do so much creating before things begin to fall apart on us. What if can be a big concept of many things that could happen to whatever scenario it could be but what if the what if actually happened? Would we be willingly to put other things in danger of harm? I don’t think I could actually attempt to clone or be a part of cloning because I could not see myself being okay with seeing the clone not being able to survive and die.

I believe the first step to cloning should be more open towards the information the scientists are sharing with us about cloning and possibly being more honest with it. I know that’s asking too much but don’t we deserve to know what they are trying to accomplish from cloning and how they truly feel about the subject they are doing and the tasks they are performing the tasks.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I think that cloning really shouldn’t be brought up completely yet. My reason is because I don’t quite believe that we are ready for people who are created with science. I can see very many mistakes in the cloning techniques. One is that I don’t like the idea that there is no need for a sperm cell all that is needed is the egg and DNA from someone else. It doesn’t quite make sense especially since all the time growing up I was taught that a baby was created by both a man and woman, so why is it that we don’t need the sperm cell? Another reason I don’t believe this is a very good idea is because I can see many problems arising from the clones. I know that humans are very immune to disease but wouldn’t clones just have as many if not twice as a likely chance? They would still have a chance of either getting a XX or XY chromosomes and other genetic diseases.

Not only is cloning a bad idea because of the higher risks in my mind and how they have a more likely chance of not only having a shorter life span as compared to a normally conceived baby. It has been shown the when Dolly, the cloned sheep, may have died from normal causes that other sheep die from but I think that Dolly may have been more non-immune to it. My reason is because I still feel that the sperm cell plays a very important key in the conception because it decides the sex.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog 8

As I stated in my last blog I really have began to think plastic surgery is VERY similar to cloning. When you look at how much plastic surgery is trying to perfect humans; and how cloning could be the start to perfection. I don’t believe for one second that in anyway can cloning or anything else change a person on how they feel on the inside. Even with cloning, I think that the clones are still going to have some kind of personality where they could prevent any kind of perfection.

When looking at countries like China, even with strict rules, they still show how every single person, has a different look on things and how they choose to appear to others. I’m not saying that cloning and China is similar, all I’m saying is that even with dictatorship not everyone can be controlled completely down to the bone. Everyone breaks out in their own way. I think that cloning in the long run would not be in the best interest for us. My reason is because even with all the small insecurities that people have about themselves and future ones to come; that is what makes human beings so “perfect.” There is no such thing as perfection but you know what I believe with all the mistakes that anyone makes that is what makes them perfect.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cloning VS Plastic Surgery

I feel that another way to best define the perfect society would be able to take a better look at who we are and how most people try to perfect themselves more and more. The common day person who just sees the normal magazines just sitting there when you go shopping and you always see the celebrities. Many later on when people are trying to clone perfection they will look at those who “some” believe perfection in a society just the way people look. I believe that cloning doing this would be a horrific idea because for those who try hard every day only get told that they are not pretty, beautiful, etc. I believe the perfect society that cloning could do is not so much focus on the outer appearance and see that perfection should be more on the inside. I think the perfect clone now should be someone who sees the imperfection of themselves, even though they are clones, and still be able to live their life to the fullest.

I also believe that cloning should not have to accomplish this though cloning. Why don’t we try to figure out how to perfect what, whom, and who we are going to be? Maybe this is too simple because human beings have a hard time when it comes to admitting what is wrong with us and try to fix it. Instead, some of us just look at ways to make us feel better and get acceptance from society; while we can’t even look inside of ourselves and fix it. But, no we feel we need to go out and please others instead of ourselves. So, what I am trying to say is that cloning is more like plastic surgery. My reason behind this is that those with imperfection problems try to fix it going the easy way, as some have said.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Part 6 to Cloning

The cloning perfection can only be best defined as the best genes being put in the perfect clone, like I stated in my last blog. I had mentioned the example of how Hitler had wanted only those who were blonde and blue eyes. Maybe when someone is cloning themselves or someone they would take the genes they believe to be perfect. They would continue to use those genes over and over from the DNA to believe to be the ultimate genes to creating that perfect human clone. This could help to better understand that those who think would help to create this “perfect clone.”

One thing I don’t fully understand is how cloning itself, can define those who are perfect or not. Why do we need perfection to be able to say you, I, and everyone else make mistakes in life that is truly how life works? What would be the point of trying to perfect something that just seems to not be going anywhere? One theory I have is that people are willing to do just about anything to prove to others that there is a way to create a perfect society. Just like in the early 18th century, when some French had believed that the perfect society could be easily achieved. I believe this is very close to the cloning perfection because either one is hard to accomplish with easy steps and planning. Nothing is perfect nor will it ever be. I also believe that we shouldn’t have to want this perfection, in the end it could be just as much as a disaster. Reason being this nothing good last forever or stays the same for long.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cloning Perfection?

When it comes to cloning, some say it could help to make the human race “perfect.” But who truly would want to be perfect. I know I wouldn’t, it would be too much to have to deal with. Why would we need to have perfect human beings? Isn’t in our best interest to not have a perfect race so we can learn from all the mistakes we make? I believe it would be the best to not clone anyone just to have the chance of perfection. I know that it has been said that history repeats itself but I would rather have this than having to live a life that was perfection.

It is like these scientists who believe this is the way to achieving perfection and not having to think of the consequences. I think that some consequences that could play a factor into cloning could be the unstableness of how unsuccessful cloning is right now. Since you do not need to have the sperm present during this procedure. Instead you could have two women creating an embryo; all you need is DNA from one and the egg from the other. I could just imagine how “perfection” can be created. Well, not really all I can see is disaster. Like I had said in my last blog I just can’t see how cloning could be okay from when reproduction is more of the correct way in my mind. I feel this could be of the fact that this theory has been tested and proven that this is how human are reproduced.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is it Really Better?

To what extent does cloning really begin to get “fishy?” I believe it can become fishy once you just bring the subject up because of the simple fact of how unethical most human beings are towards it. It is like creating something from just an egg and DNA. I also feel that in a sense this is very awkward to begin with, only because of the fact that I was taught sperm and cell concept. I don’t understand the whole procedure of not having the sperm present. Maybe it’s like the DNA is the sperm? Even though the experiments on the animals I still feel that this subject is very iffy. Just because some of the animal cloning was successful, what’s saying that if too much cloning had begun, would this cause a down fall or an increase success rate?

I think that whole concept that of which we know is now becoming slightly modified and soon before we know it will be teaching and having children differently. That is to say that the cell division and the DNA could become improved to help the accuracy of the human and mice cloning to be more successful. Maybe then even I would begin to think that cloning could actually have a chance to become more enhanced. I feel that then again it really can’t help mankind, mankind can only help itself to enhance the better of life.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Correction on cloning

One thing I want to make clear is my reason behind writing my last blog on Dolly was to give some facts on how long a cloned animal. I probably should have stated this but in such a hurry I forgot. So, I will lightly talk about Dolly in this blog too. With this case study, she had lived a normal life span for a lamb, even if she was cloned. Also, I misunderstood how cloning really worked and I was wrong how cloning was done. Cloning is actually done by taking DNA from either animal or human and then inserted into the egg of the animal or human. Once the cell has multiplied, or is into a bunch of clumps, it is then implanted into a surrogate mother. This is why I believe I was having a hard telling the two apart.1

Another thing that really amazed me was that dolly had actually lived a full lamb life and died from lung cancer. Could this actually help us to understand that maybe if a lamb that was cloned can live a life like a normal conception of regular lamb, that human cloning to can have a positive outlook? But as research shows, it is too soon for that to be even an outcome. One reason this has been successful for sheep is because their DNA in the nucleus does not utilize until the third or fourth time of cell division. This is helpful because this gives the DNA time to “fix” itself. While for humans DNA is utilized by second division. So, maybe at the time being I don’t think this would be ethical or moral to clone a human.2 My reason behind this is simply because of the fact that our DNA would not be able to fix any problems in the DNA stream leaving some horrific effects after the clone is made or during the process of the clone.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dolly-first successful cloning animal

Throughout the past thirteen years, scientists have tried many tactics to cloning. The first successful cloning of an animal was in Edinburgh, Scotland. They had successfully cloned the sheep known as Dolly. Dolly had been cloned in 1997 and died 2003 from a lung disease. The thing about this is that Dolly had actually died from a natural disease that most lambs’ get. So, is it that there is so much speculation on this topic of if it’s moral or not; if Dolly had actually died from something that is VERY common in most lamb deaths.

It also got me to thinking, what truly is the difference when a doctor “implants” your egg and your husbands’ sperm into you, isn’t in some that too cloning? It too is being done a scientific way to where they still need to “CAREFULLY” do the procedure correctly or it might not be effective. All I know is that these two procedures are quite close when it comes to most of the substances seem to be the same. To create a clone you must need an egg and sperm to create this “clone” of oneself or of someone else. Another question that pops into my head when deciding if this is moral is crossing the line concept. Why is it ethical and moral to have intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) done but cloning is both ethically and morally wrong in most people’s eyes. Could it be that maybe in some ways, ICSI, is just more or less one of things that seem to more typical to the common person as compared to cloning? (Dolly link)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cloning-part 1

I decided to do cloning because I wanted to get a better understanding and decide if this scientific procedure was actually moral. I first heard about cloning when I was probably around the age of seven. I never quite understood how you would be able to clone someone, but as research began to progress I started to get a little interested in it. As I was looking into cloning I noticed that there were many definitions on what “cloning” was. I personally think from reading each one, I want to say cloning is more or less in my mind “making a copy of yourself or someone else in a scientific way.” Even then just looking at this can be more or less confusing to anyone. That’s why throughout my process of this blog, I would like to get a better understanding of what cloning is in the science world, the normal American eye, and what I believe cloning to be.

One thing I want to clarify within my research is the moral behind this. I’m not one-hundred percent sure yet what my objection on this is. I do know, that to get a better understanding of this subject I need to take a step further than most research would require me to do. I think if I take a look at how this procedure came about, than I can get a better understanding to why some scientists think cloning is a good thing. Second, I would like to grasp a better understanding of what the steps of this procedure are to create a “perfect” clone of oneself. Last, I would like to look at the lifespan of cloning and the moral behind cloning.