Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is it Really Better?

To what extent does cloning really begin to get “fishy?” I believe it can become fishy once you just bring the subject up because of the simple fact of how unethical most human beings are towards it. It is like creating something from just an egg and DNA. I also feel that in a sense this is very awkward to begin with, only because of the fact that I was taught sperm and cell concept. I don’t understand the whole procedure of not having the sperm present. Maybe it’s like the DNA is the sperm? Even though the experiments on the animals I still feel that this subject is very iffy. Just because some of the animal cloning was successful, what’s saying that if too much cloning had begun, would this cause a down fall or an increase success rate?

I think that whole concept that of which we know is now becoming slightly modified and soon before we know it will be teaching and having children differently. That is to say that the cell division and the DNA could become improved to help the accuracy of the human and mice cloning to be more successful. Maybe then even I would begin to think that cloning could actually have a chance to become more enhanced. I feel that then again it really can’t help mankind, mankind can only help itself to enhance the better of life.

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